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The Canadian Centre for Environmental Arbitration and Mediation (CCEAM) was established in 2003 as an independent organisation offering arbitration and mediation services to Canadian businesses and governments to assist in the resolution of a wide variety of environmental disputes.


CCEAM was founded by twelve leading environmental law practitioners from across Canada. Each of these lawyers has come together as a member of CCEAM to provide a unique service to Canadians -- the in depth knowledge of environmental law possessed by CCEAM members can be utilized to achieve efficient and effective arbitration and mediation of a range of environmental conflicts, including:


  • Contaminated Sites;

  • Nuisance claims (including noise, odour, vibration);

  • Environmental remediation agreements;

  • Environmental professional negligence claims;

  • Land conservation agreements;

  • Property value protection agreements;

  • Carbon credit trades and carbon project finance disputes;

  • Multi-party litigation;

  • Siting Disputes;

  • Water Disputes.


All CCEAM members have significant expertise in resolving environmental conflicts through their extensive practice experience. Using a CCEAM member to adjudicate or mediate environmental conflicts means far less time is required to educate the mediator or arbitrator on the legal or factual issues that may relate to such disputes.  It also means that practical results  will more readily be achieved.


CCEAM members will provide an effective alternative to costly court challenges and disputes through procedures that are tailored to the parties’ interests.  In addition, the resolution of often very sensitive issues will occur in a manner that is sensitive to the parties interests, all in a completely confidential setting.


CCEAM acts solely as a referral source for environmental arbitrators and mediators. A party which uses the services of a lawyer on the CCEAM roster will enter into a contract directly with that lawyer, not with the CCEAM or any other lawyer on the CCEAM roster. Lawyers on the CCEAM roster are independent of one another and do not carry on business through CCEAM, or in partnership with any other lawyer on the CCEAM roster.


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© Pictures by Bryan Buttigieg

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© 2019 par Valérie Duchaine Perras. Créé avec

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